Waradaa Australian Manuka Honey with Black Seed Oil 250g
Manuka honey is a rare honey from the remote forests of the Southern Hemisphere with an antimicrobial effect.
Black Seed Oil - Rich in Thymoquinone, a powerful antioxidant that helps your digestion and is known to reduce inflammation and boost your immunity.
Sunflower Lecithin - Reduces cholesterol lowers blood pressure and aids a healthy heart and stomach.
Our superfood formulas are built to be good for you. Pure and natural health food for you to enjoy.
Why choose WARADAA Manuka Honey?
1. Direct from Beekeeper to consumer
2. 100% Manuka Honey—not blended
3. 100% Raw & Monofloral – Monofloral Manuka Honey is produced by bees who pre-dominantly collected nectar from the Manuka bush itself. To be called Monofloral, the honey must meet a higher level of two of the four naturally occurring markers and the meet the pollen test.
4. Disease and chemical free
5. Quality Assurance and Australian Made
6. Every batch certified and tested
Disclaimer: “Due to Bio - Security regulations, we can’t send this product to WA.”
Waradaa was born from a beekeeping business founded by Ben Brown, and focuses on primary production, packing and distribution of Australia’s finest honey.
Waradaa is one of the foundational brands for the Australian Manuka Association, supported by the Australian Government and industry bodies. Honey that carries the AMHA’s Mark of Authenticity must be pure, natural Manuka honey, produced entirely in Australia, and be tested by an independent, approved laboratory. Our production facilities also meet the highest honey health standards including AMHA authorisation, HACCP and BQUAL.
Our business is at the foremost a beekeeping business. We take great care with our bees and ensure our honey is made to the highest quality standards, preserving the natural taste, texture and enzymes as nature intended. We differentiate ourselves based on:
- Cold processing minimising HMF (burnt/bitter taste)
- Testing our product to ensure it is free of chemicals and meets strict quality standards
- Applying rigid quality control to ensure consistency. All Honey Store products are certified by independent laboratories, ensuring strict quality control
- Soft setting our honey to create a delicious, firm and shelf stable product with a 5 year shelf life
Australian Made
100% Australian owned and Made, we produce honey from the source. All of our honeys are sourced directly from apiaries within Australia. None of our honey is blended with syrups or imported materials.
Each batch is tested to ensure we meet the quality expectations we set for ourselves.
This includes testing for C4 and AFB, along with MGO, DHA and HMF. All testing is carried out by an independent laboratory, with ISO17025 quality accreditations.
Our goals are to uplift the global appreciation of Australian culture, preserve and regenerate our forests and create works that endure a lifetime, while delivering people products that enhance their health.
We do this by planting trees, keeping bees and using inputs made in Australia and New Zealand, to keep our carbon footprint sustainable, and we bring it all together into something that you can use, wherever you are in the world.