It’s a new and exciting year. There's no better time to arm yourself with amazing health and wellness books to start the new year! From living a healthier lifestyle, eating a better diet, maintaining a healthy gut, learning delicious juicing and food recipes, Green Shop's got the books you must read in 2021!
In the list below, you'll find books from top experts in the health and wellness industry like Dr. Michael Mosley, Julie Rennie, Dr Clare Bailey, Andi Lew and so many more!
1. Clever Guts Diet
Dr. Mosley takes us on a revelatory journey through the gut, showing how junk food and overuse of antibiotics have wiped out many “good” gut bacteria, leading to a modern plague of allergies, food intolerances and obesity. Drawing from the latest cutting-edge research, Dr. Mosley provides scientifically proven ways to control your cravings, boost your mood, and lose weight by encouraging a more diverse microbiome and increasing the good bacteria that keep you healthy.
Discover amazing and delicious recipes, plans, checklists and so much more!

A truly inspiring book that will improve your health and speed up your metabolism! Julie Rennie is an inspirational mentor and speaker encouraging thousands of people to transform themselves and live with optimal wellness. With a background in elite sport and 10 years spent working in the personal growth industry, Julie found herself in her 40s struggling to get a good night's sleep, gaining weight and losing motivation. She then discovered an ancient system of medicine and healing that creates harmony between your mind, your body and the forces of nature. Applying the principles of this ancient wisdom to achieve balance in her western lifestyle, Julie began to lose weight without trying. Speaking to her doctor about this new routine, he directed her to medical research on circadian rhythms. This research verified that our body has natural cycles that manage appetite, energy, mood and sleep. Julie has lived the Metabolic Clock lifestyle and recipes for the last ten years and shares them with readers to help them.
Start your day with a glass of all-natural juice made with your favorite fruits and vegetables. Fresh natural nutrients are easily absorbed into your body so you feel refreshed and energetic all day. Add a banana if you prefer a sweet and creamy juice. And add an apple or pear when juicing tough, fibrous vegetables. As you make juice using different fruits and vegetables, you will develop your own personal juicing know-how and recipes.
The vegan way of eating is nothing new. But what is new, is how much more aware people are of the provinence of their food and how accessible it is to not only eliminate meat from your diet, but also dairy and eggs. This new cookbook offers long-time vegans and those just starting out, fresh recipe ideas using 'new' alternative ingredients readily available in most supermarkets. There are also recipes for making your own yoghurt, cheese, mayonnaise and ice-cream - all free of animal products.
No matter where you fall on the Green Curve -whether you are newly Juice Curious or already passionate about raw foods and pressed juices; and matter what your diet goals are - The Juice Generatioffers the perfect juice and green foods regimen for you. The book also contains a 3-day cleanse as well as juicing favourites from a great many celebrities, including: Martha Stewart, Gayle King, Naomi Watts, Michelle Williams, Blake Lively, Hilary Swank, Edward Norton, and Katie Couric.
Featuring more than 100 recipes, and illustrated with gorgeous full-colour photography,The Juice Generationwill help you find the perfect juice or smoothie. The book offers practical, down-to-earth instructions for making revitalizing and great-tasting fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, and tonics, using easily sourced fresh ingredients and the latest information on super foods.
6. Wellness Loading: Disconnect to Reconnect Paperback
The Ultimate Digital Detox Guide! Embark on a digital detox journey with Australian best-selling author, Andi Lew, with her latest health guide and ultimate wellness detox. Wellness Loading: Disconnect to Reconnect shows you how to TURN OFF TECH and 'wellness load' to create work/life balance and optimal health. Most importantly, you will learn how to reconnect with yourself and your community. "Andi's book is crucial for this digital era, creating connectedness consciously." Nick Bell, entrepreneur and CEO of Web Marketing Experts.
Whether you want to overcome a sickness, feel more energetic, or improve your overall health, you’ll move closer to your goal with Julianne’s latest book… A Foodie’s Guide to Juice Fasting. Julianne Dowse lost both her parents to cancer before turning to natural healing in order to live a long and healthy life. She challenged herself to have nothing but juice for seven days and found that it rejuvenated her body and rid it of toxins.
8. Alkaline Cook Book

Revitalise your body in just 4 weeks to 100% optimal health. Discover the “Secret” high energy people use to create mouth watering foods and munchies that clears your skin, explode your energy levels and makes you feel terrific from the inside out. The Alkaline Cook Book is crammed with easy to whip-up PH friendly Alkaline Food Recipes to help you unlock unlimited energy, sharp mental concentration and radiant good health. So if your ready to discover life the way you deserve to live add this product to your cart now!
In her brilliant new book, bestselling author and ‘Fit Food Coach’, Andi Lew reveals more of her secrets on eating good fats that she’s been teaching her loyal fans and followers for over 13 years.
Easy, fool-proof, delicious recipes as well as ice cream and chocolate that may help you stay lean and healthy. No more calorie counting! Time poor? Learn about the most effective types of exercises that get the results and can be done anywhere! Improve your posture with easy to do, scientific stretches and be your healthiest version of you.

What if you could feel so motivated, so healthy and energised that it actually seems as if you have an extra hour of time each day? How would that change your life? Regain the energy you had as a child. It truly is possible, but you need to know how.
In the Metabolic Clock, Rennie provides strategies for her readers to create a balanced lifestyle that lasts a lifetime. The Metabolic Clock shows readers: How to lose weight easily and increase energy, while keeping healthy and motivated What to eat to lose weight, complete with over 100 tasty recipes, including food shopping lists and menu plans! Speed up your metabolism and lose weight naturally today!
If you made it to the end of this blog post, we hope you found something exciting to read and learn from! Happy reading!
- The Green Shop Family
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